Saturday, December 20, 2008


Digital Games Research Association

Friday, December 19, 2008

4th Biennial Radiator Festival & Symposium: Exploits in the Wireless City

the 4th Biennial Radiator Festival & Symposium: Exploits in the Wireless City which takes place between 13 - 24 January 2009, please find details below of the symposium I would like to invite you, your colleagues and students to. The focus of this symposium is on new developments in technology, communication architecture and hybrid spaces and its effects on our public and private spheres.

We feel that this would be a great opportunity for recent graduates, final year undergraduates and post-graduate students to participate as a delegate in the leading New Art Technology festivals in the UK. Themes under investigation include:

Wireless Networks or Gated Communities?
A wireless network is an ever shifting, dynamic, constant entity, with a combination of different topographies. They are difficult networks to map, measure or control. Since regulations of usage, frequencies and sharing are still in the process of being negotiated, how is access control and data manipulation being exposed, exploited, packaged and challenged?

Experiencing the E-City
Our mobility while we work, e-shop, or communicate in a wireless zone tends to make us nomadic and lets us adapt a particular space (café, park, home) to our momentary need. Spaces become multi-purpose, the workspace becomes unscheduled and deregulated. New clusters are generated. People, increasingly un-tethered from their workspaces, are nevertheless subject to more control and surveillance in an increasingly obscured manner. How does this distributed social space change people's experience of city?

The Networked City
From ambient technology such as RFID (radio frequency identification tags) to 'smart buildings', how is an increased computerisation of our environment impacting on our privacy? Are we on our way to ultimate surveillance? What possibilities for resistance do we have left?

Communication Architectures
New Social Networks and organisations come through websites, we make 'friends' with people on a suggestion, we work sat across the world from our colleagues. How has the transformation in social flow dynamics changed the usage of existing architectures?

What are the social impacts of digital communication technologies? Do communities, especially those under-represented in socio economic terms, stand to benefit from these new hybrid spaces?

Radiator and its Symposium will present work that combines an engagement with locality and community with an exploration into the possibilities of digital enhancement where the role of the city-as-communications-network is deep at its core.

Please forward this opportunity onto students, colleagues and contacts who you feel would benefit from this taking part in this event.

Friday, December 12, 2008


July 13 - August 7, 2009 Casa Paganini - InfoMus Lab, DIST - University of Genova, Piazza Santa Maria in Passione 34, 16123 Genova, Italy

CALL OR PROJECT PROPOSALS Casa Paganini - InfoMus Lab, DIST - University of Genova, invites project proposals for eNTERFACE'09, the 5th summer workshop on multimodal interfaces, to be held in Genova, Italy, from July 13th to August 7th, 2009. Following the tremendous success of the previous eNTERFACE workshops ( ) held in Mons, Belgium (2005), Dubrovnik, Croatia (2006), Istanbul, Turkey (2007), and Paris, France (2008), eNTERFACE'09 aims at continuing and enhancing the tradition of collaborative, localized research and development work by gathering, in a single place, leading researchers in multimodal interfaces and students to work on specific projects for 4 complete weeks. eNTERFACE'09 will encompass presentation sessions, including tutorial state-of-the-art surveys on several aspects of design of multimodal interfaces, given by invited senior researchers, and periodical presentations of the results achieved by each project group. The ultimate goal is to make this event a unique opportunity for students and experts all over the world to meet and effectively work together, so as to foster the development of tomorrow's multimodal research community. Project submissions on all themes below are welcome. We particularly encourage interdisciplinary proposals covering several themes and proposals integrating the OpenInterface and/or the EyesWeb XMI platforms. THEMES We invite submissions on themes related to innovative multimodal interfaces including, but not restricted to: * Multimodal signal analysis and synthesis * Signal-level and meaning-level data fusion * Intuitive interfaces and personalized systems in real and virtual environments * User, context and semantics-aware self-learning and adapting systems * Multimodal conversational systems * Usability * Innovative modalities and modalities conversion * Multimodality for plasticity * Multimodality for biometrics and security * Edutainment and learning assistance * Medical applications * Embodied agents * Performing arts applications * Multimodal interfaces for mobile devices * Multimodal interfaces for embodied social experience of multimedia content * Affective Multimodal Interfaces for Digital Art and Entertainment * Multimodal Semantic Fusion * Open-Source Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Multimodal Interactive Applications IMPORTANT DATES * January 10th, 2009: Reception of a 1 page Notification of Interest, with a summary of project goals, work-packages, and deliverables; * January 31th, 2009: Reception of the complete project proposal in the format provided by the Author's kit available at; * February 15th, 2009: Notification of project acceptance; Publication of the Call for Participation; * March 20st, 2009: Closing of the Call for Participation; * March 30th, 2009: Publication of teams; * July 13th August 7th eNTERFACE'09 Workshop. Proposals should be submitted in PDF format to Proposals will be screened by the Scientific Committee for suitability to the workshop goals and format. A call for PhD students and researchers participation to projects will be launched on February 15th, 2009. Authors of the accepted proposals will then be invited to build their teams. FURTHER INFORMATION AND CONTACT For any further information/question/comment/suggestion, please visit the eNTERFACE'09 website at: or send a message to the local organizing committee at

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Monday, December 1, 2008

mobile marketing - slideshare

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OReilly TOC - February 2008

My TOC presentation - Feb 2008


Faintheart - Edinburgh International Film Fest - and on MySpace


Social Web's Big Question - federate or aggregate...

Inventor and tech-philosopher Dave Winer Twittered tonight that federation is the hot thing, pointing to a New York Times article about Facebook Connect. And just like that he touched upon the third rail of our increasingly social web. The big question facing the social web depends on the direction it needs to take. A sharp increase in the number of web services and social networks has many of us yearning for a single sign-on, which has lead to the idea of “federation.” On the flip side, we also want one place to manage our diverse web services in one place — aggregate. These two diametrically opposed views of how we are going to come to grips with our social web are going to face an intense debate until consumers vote with their clicks.
United Federation of The Social Web
Federation, as explained on Wikipedia, “describes the technologies, standards and use-cases which serve to enable the portability of identity information across otherwise autonomous security domains. The ultimate goal of identity federation is to enable users of one domain to securely access data or systems of another domain seamlessly, and without the need for completely redundant user administration.”
Facebook Connect, which was announced in May 2008 and is being rolled out this week, allows you to use your Facebook login to access Facebook’s partner web sites, then broadcast what you are doing on those sites to everyone on Facebook. It’s like Facebook Beacon — minus the marketing sleaziness. Partners include the Discovery Channel, the (irrelevant) genealogy network Geni, and (hot) video site Hulu.
“Everyone is looking for ways to make their Web sites more social,” Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s chief operating officer told The New York Times. “They can build their own social capabilities, but what will be more useful for them is building on top of a social system that people are already wedded to.” Of course, as I pointed out earlier, this is desperately important for the company to figure out how to make money. As a competitive matrix, here are some of other projects Facebook Connect is teeing off against: Google-sponsored Friend Connect, Open ID and MySpace’s Data Availability initiative.
On the flip side of federation is aggregation. There’s a small army of startups, such as FriendFeed and, that want to act as a dashboard for your entire social-web infrastructure. The latest startup to join the ranks is, a Rio de Janiero, Brazil-based startup that has until now operated in stealth and has raised $8 million in venture funding from Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Esther Dyson. The company was started by Steve Vachani.
Vachani’s big idea is that you can come to the web site, log into and interact with all your social networks, as well as other web services. It is not the first startup of its kind. Several others — MyLifeBrand, Spokeo, Loopster and ProfileLinker — have walked down this road. What has done is use virality and focus on Orkut to get a big enough user base. Steve describes his service as “Facebook Connect for everything — an ultimate mashup platform” that connects to data from any service and allows users to interact with that information.
It works like this: You register all your web services and social networks on Once you log on, you are automatically logged on everywhere that matters and you can easily go from to any one of your social networks with a single click. Your start page on (a stripped-down cross between Facebook’s start page and Netvibes) will show you all of your friends, messages and content — from all their social networks, soon from instant messengers and email accounts — in one place. All your friends, messages, updates, birthdays and photos from diverse social networks will be aggregated nicely together.
A Power “communicator” will allow you to send information to all your friends across networks with the ease of sending an email. “This is just like Meebo,” Steve insisted, where they log in to and constantly interact with the service. It doesn’t use any APIs, and all the magic happens using this technology developed by the company. Steve called it “intelligent proxy.” I have asked for more details to understand how exactly it works. claims that all your information is going to be arranged by people not by discrete web destinations. Soon you will be able to use its dashboard to do everything on the web — or so it boldly hints in the press materials. The company claims it has 5 million registered users in Latin America and India and says it will hit 30 million by 2009. How it is claiming all these numbers and growth is a tad fuzzy.
Theoretically (and only theoretically) the idea of aggregating your web content and activites makes a lot of sense. Back in March 2007, in a column for Business 2.0, I wrote: “This is one of the hot opportunities in new new media: hyperaggregation. If aggregation is what we’ve seen so far on YouTube and Flickr, hyperaggregation is aggregating the aggregators…It’s impossible to keep up with dozens of social networks, millions of videos and thousands of blogs. ............