Sunday, January 25, 2009

Institute for the Future - The opposite of play isn't work. It's depression." - Brian Sutton Smith

Superstruct: How to Invent the Future by Playing a Game

Jane McGonigal (Institute for the Future)
Geek Life, Mobile and The Web
Location: Imperial Ballroom

What are the five biggest problems will the world face in 2019 – and how can we get a head-start on solving them together? Find out in this talk, which presents the results of SUPERSTRUCT, the world’s first massively multiplayer forecasting game.

Produced by the Instititute for the Future, Superstruct is a crowd-sourcing experiment designed to create collaborative future scenarios and prototype solutions to future problems. For six weeks, more than 7000 players tackled the biggest “Superthreats” of the coming decade – from pandemics to climate refugees, network griefers to food chain instabilities – and contributed their best ideas for inventing the future of health, food, energy, security, and society.

Get a sneak preview of the institute’s official Superstruct Report, which presents the players’ top collective insights about the year 2019, and the crowd’s best tactics for superstructing society.

Photo of Jane McGonigal

Jane McGonigal

Institute for the Future

Jane McGonigal takes play seriously. She is the director of game research and development at the Institute for the Future in Palo Alto, California, and is currently writing a book about how games can save the real world (Reality is Broken, Penguin Press, 2010). She is also an award-wining game designer, best known for directing and designing alternate reality games such as The Lost Ring, World Without Oil, and Cruel 2 B Kind. She has a PhD. in performance studies from the University of California at Berkeley and blogs at

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